Add Spring Decorating Style to your Bedroom! To bring life to your rooms add flowers and live plants and more! Spring is just around the corner and in January and February I always feel this well of excitement about things that grow, precious emerald buds emerging from the earth, a green yard as … Continue reading “Add Spring Style to your Bedroom”
Author: adminkim
Peonies-The most gorgeous flower in the world! Why I love to paint them!
Peonies-the most beautiful flowers in the world. Why as an Artist I am so obsessed with this flower! Although it’s just my opinion but I think peonies are the most beautiful and fragrant flower in the world. It is why as an artist that I am so captivated by everything about them and continue … Continue reading “Peonies-The most gorgeous flower in the world! Why I love to paint them!”
Creating a Spring Garden Display in your home
Create your own Indoor Spring Display with herbs, plants and decorative items to bring a beautiful touch of Spring to any room After Christmas the house looks so empty without the pretty Christmas decorations and with winter looming another 4 long months, a great way to cheer yourself up is to create your own touch … Continue reading “Creating a Spring Garden Display in your home”
The 80/20 Rule in Designing a Room around a Specific Piece of Art -Part 3
Designing a Room Using Specific Artwork – Part 3 The 80/20 Rule This Blog is the third instalment which will provide a more complex design principal to apply to “Designing a Room around a Specific Piece of Art” called the 80/20 Design Rule. Since these blogs focus on using your beloved “Artwork” as the inspiration … Continue reading “The 80/20 Rule in Designing a Room around a Specific Piece of Art -Part 3”
Designing a Room Using Specific Artwork – Part 2
Designing a Room Using Specific Artwork – Part 2 Using the Elements of Design For Designing a Room In my last Blog titled “Designing a Room around a Specific Piece of Art” I discussed using a large piece of Art as a Focal Point or the Center of Interest for the design of a room. … Continue reading “Designing a Room Using Specific Artwork – Part 2”
Designing a Room Around a Specific Piece of Art
Designing a Room Using Specific Artwork Designing a room with your favourite piece of Art as the central focus or “Focal Point” is a unique and interesting approach to designing a room. An Interior Designer or Interior Decorator will specifically look for what direction the design of a room or entire home should be based … Continue reading “Designing a Room Around a Specific Piece of Art”